Random tables!

Here you'll find a bunch of random tables that I find helpful for soloing.

Character actions. Sometimes you want to know what a party member/npc will do or say.

1 - Obvious, passive

2 - Obvious, active

3 - Unexpected, insightful

4 - Unexpected, reckless

5 - Personality, positive

6 - Personality, negative

7 - Background, positive

8 - Background, negative


Roll a d8 whenever you also make a reaction roll to see what the monsters are up to:

1. Lost (afraid and on edge)

2. Hunting or Pursuing a Quest (may seek aid in this)

3. Diplomacy/trade/social call (carrying treasure. To where?)

4. Hiding/fleeing (encountered something, what?)

5. Scouting (will try to stay hidden, report back findings)

6. Patrolling/territory (armed. -2 reaction roll)

7. Solving problem or playing (distracted)

8. Resting (exhausted)