EZD6 is a really, really cool game! I love it a lot. It does away with stats and is very rules light. I was able to memorize all the rules after reading the book once, this is for you who don't want to pause the game to look up rules. It's super quick, and super fun thanks to its mechanics.

The classes are great! The artwork in this book is fantastic! Your characters boil down to HP, and stuff they are good at. When you roll, you roll a single D6, and if you beat the dungeon masters(Called Rabble rouser in this game) target number you succeed, but that's not all. If you have an applicable skill you roll 2D6! But wait, there's more!You have meta-currency called karma which lets you reroll your die as long as you didn't roll a 1. You start with 3 karma, and you gain new karma points by failing! And if you happened to roll a 1, you have 1 more chance; you have the "hero die"! You get to reroll that 1, but you only have 1 hero die, so use it wisely! (Well, you can buy a new one with karma).

This is what you thought D&D was before you played D&D. It's non-stop gonzo thrills!

It's super easy to solo with a DM emulator, and I really recommend you to buy this game if you can afford it.